
import { Graph as AncientGraph } from 'ancient-graph';

 * Class to inherit. Class with methods for control links in graph.
 * Adapted for Meteor Minimongo.
 * @class
 * @description `import { Graph } from 'meteor/ancient-graph';`
export class Graph extends AncientGraph {
   * Construct new graph and checks for required adaptation methods.
   * @param {Mongo.Collection} collection
   * @param {Object} fields - matching of fields in the link with fields in document
   * @param {*} object.source
   * @param {*}
   * @throws {Error} if the adapter methods is not complete
  constructor(collection, fields) {
    this.collection = collection;
    this.fields = fields;
   * Should insert new link into graph.
   * Return a synchronous result. This can be useful in your application. But for writing generic code, it is recommended to only use the callback result.
   * @param {Link} link
   * @param {Graph~insertCallback} [callback]
   * @return {string} [id]
  insert(link, callback) {
    var _modifier = {};
    for (var f in link) {
      if (this.fields[f]) {
        _modifier[this.fields[f]] = link[f];
    return this.collection.insert(_modifier, callback);
   * Optional callback. If present, called with an error object as the first argument and, if no error, the unique id of inserted link as the second.
   * @callback Graph~insertCallback
   * @param {Error} [error]
   * @param {string} [id]
   * Should update to new state of modifier object link by unique id or by link query object.
   * If the database allows, it is recommended to return a synchronous result. This can be useful in your application. But for writing generic code, it is recommended to only use the callback result.
   * @param {string|LinkSelector} selector
   * @param {LinkModifier} modifier
   * @param {Graph~updateCallback} [callback]
   * @return {number} [count]
  update(selector, modifier, callback) {
    var _selector = this.query(selector);
    var _modifier = {};
    for (var m in modifier) {
      if (this.fields[m]) {
        if (typeof(modifier[m]) == 'undefined') {
          if (!_modifier.$unset) _modifier.$unset = {};
          _modifier.$unset[this.fields[m]] = '';
        } else {
          if (!_modifier.$set) _modifier.$set = {};
          _modifier.$set[this.fields[m]] = modifier[m];
    this.collection.update(_selector, _modifier, callback);
   * Optional callback. If present, called with an error object as the first argument and, if no error, the number of affected documents as the second.
   * @callback Graph~updateCallback
   * @param {Error} [error]
   * @param {number} [count]
   * Should remove link by unique id or by link query object.
   * @param {string|LinkSelector} selector
   * @param {Graph~removeCallback} [callback]
  remove(selector, callback) {
    var _selector = this.query(selector);
    this.collection.remove(_selector, callback);
   * Optional callback. If present, called with an error object as the first argument.
   * @callback Graph~removeCallback
   * @param {Error} [error]
   * @param {number} [count]
   * Generate adapter for database query for links search by unique id or by link query object.
   * @param {string|LinkSelector} selector
   * @return {*} query
  query(selector) {
    var type = typeof(selector);
    if (type == 'string' || type == 'number') {
      return { [this.fields['id']]: selector };
    } else if (type == 'object') {
      var _selector = {};
      for (var m in selector) {
        if (this.fields[m]) {
          if (typeof(selector[m]) == 'undefined') {
            _selector[this.fields[m]] = { $exists: false };
          } else {
            _selector[this.fields[m]] = selector[m];
      return _selector;
   * Generate adapted for database options object.
   * @param {Object} [options]
   * @return {*} options - a options suitable for the database
  options(options) {
    var _options = {};
    if (options) {
      if (options.sort) {
        _options.sort = options.sort;
        for (var s in _options.sort) {
          if (this.fields[s]) {
            _options.sort[this.fields[s]] = options.sort[s]?1:-1;
      if (typeof(options.skip) == 'number') {
        _options.skip = options.skip;
      if (typeof(options.limit) == 'number') {
        _options.limit = options.limit;
    return _options;
   * Generate Link from document by fields.
   * @param {Object} document
   * @return {Link} link
  _generateLink(document) {
    var link = {};
    for (var f in this.fields) {
      if (document.hasOwnProperty(this.fields[f])) {
        link[f] = document[this.fields[f]];
    return link;
   * Fetch native database documents.
   * @param {string|linkSelector} selector
   * @param {SelectOptions} [options]
   * @return {Object[]} documents - result documents
  _find(selector, options) {
    var _selector = this.query(selector);
    var _options = this.options(options);
    return this.collection.find(_selector);
   * Find and all matching links as an Array.
   * @param {string|LinkSelector} selector
   * @param {SelectOptions} [options]
   * @param {Graph~fetchCallback} [callback]
   * @return {Link[]} links - result links objects in array
  fetch(selector, options, callback) {
    var documents = this._find(selector, options).fetch();
    var links = [];
    for (var d in documents) {
    if (callback) callback(undefined, links);
    return links;
   * Optional callback. If present, called with an error object as the first argument and, if no error, the result links objects in array.
   * @callback Graph~fetchCallback
   * @param {Error} [error]
   * @param {Link[]} [links]
   * Should call callback once for each matching document, sequentially and synchronously.
   * @param {string|LinkSelector} selector
   * @param {SelectOptions} [options]
   * @param {Graph~eachCallback} [callback]
  each(selector, options, callback) {
    this._find(selector, options).each(function(document) {
   * @callback Graph~eachCallback
   * @param {Link} [link]
   * Should map callback over all matching documents. Returns an Array.
   * @param {string|LinkSelector} selector
   * @param {SelectOptions} [options]
   * @param {Graph~mapCallback} [callback]
   * @return {Array} results
  map(selector, options, callback) {
    return this._find(selector, options).map(function(document) {
      return callback(this._generateLink(document));
   * @callback Graph~mapCallback
   * @param {Link} [link]
   * @return {*} result
   * Should subscribe to the events: link, unlink, insert, update, remove.
   * @param {string} event - name
   * @param {Graph-onCallback} callback
  on(event, callback) {
    var graph = this;
    if (event == 'insert') {
      this.collection.after.insert(function(userId, document) {
        callback(undefined, graph._generateLink(document), { userId: userId });
    if (event == 'update') {
      this.collection.after.update(function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
        callback(graph._generateLink(this.previous), graph._generateLink(doc), { userId: userId });
    if (event == 'remove') {
      this.collection.after.remove(function(userId, document) {
        callback(graph._generateLink(document), undefined, { userId: userId });
    if (event == 'link') {
      this.collection.after.insert(function(userId, document) {
        callback(undefined, graph._generateLink(document), { userId: userId });
      this.collection.after.update(function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
        callback(graph._generateLink(this.previous), graph._generateLink(doc), { userId: userId });
    if (event == 'unlink') {
      this.collection.after.update(function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
        callback(graph._generateLink(this.previous), graph._generateLink(doc), { userId: userId });
      this.collection.after.remove(function(userId, document) {
        callback(graph._generateLink(document), undefined, { userId: userId });
   * @callback Graph~onCallback
   * @param {Link} [oldLink] - can be undefined on link and insert events
   * @param {Link} [newLink] - can be undefined on unlink and remove events
   * @param {Object} [context] - additional app information, such as context.userId